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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

More Changes... in the Wrong Direction

Today has not been a good day, illness-wise.

Yesterday, I began experiencing some spasm-like sensations in the thoracic area of my back. They radiated out around my ribs in both directions. I had trouble sleeping due to the spasms.

Today the spasms are gone but the intensity of tingling in my left foot is steadily increasing again. Additionally, I am experiencing some numbness in new areas: both hands and my face, particularly my mouth, tongue, cheeks, and jaws.

I have a call in to the neurologist about the changes. They might be related to changes in the prescriptions that I am on. The NP reduced my dosage of prednisone from 60mg daily to 50mg daily, beginning yesterday, and increased the gabapentin from 500mg daily to 700mg daily at the same time. I am not sure what effects those changes could be having.

I'm a little scared, to be honest. I wrote out a notecard today and found handwriting to be very difficult. I learned to letter in college and have had good handwriting that pleases me to look at. Today, my handwriting resembles that of my grandmother's when she reached her 80s. Dexterity for fine motor is just not there.

Does this mean new lesions are forming in the myelin somewhere? Or is the a side effect of the medication? I have left a detailed message with the NP and am waiting for her response. In the meantime, perhaps providentially, the imaging center called to set up my next MRI. Upon talking to the scheduler, she chose to secure the next available spot for me, which is less than two weeks away, rather than wait for a May/June option that was in the original instructions. She told me I could change it to a later date after talking with someone in neurology today, given my current situation. I can see that only as an act of providence--God's provision for me in advance, before I even asked him--and take encouragement from it. He sees. He knows.

Please pray for improvement and no new attack. Please pray for prompt care. Please pray for my eyes to be set on things above, because I admit it: I'm scared. I want to get better and worse was not on my agenda for today, or any day. Please pray for peace.

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